MegRhythm Steam Eye Mask

MegRhythm Steam Eye Mask 

Guess What? Today i just collected the MegRhythm Steam Eye Mask from Kao Singapore 
It was so surprising that they give me 2 sets of different scents. 

Firstly, they have 4 types of different scents 

Charmomile Scent, Lavender Scent, Fresh Rose Scent, Unscented

Comfortable heat (40℃) generated from Steam Eye Mask gradually spreads to gently envelop your eyes. Steam produced from the heat moistens and soothes tired eyes.
Enjoy the de-stressing session. Refresh yourself with brighter looking eyes!

Lavender Scent - 
Lavender-Sage aroma calms and relaxes your senses

Fresh Rose - Fresh Rose Aroma Soothes and Brightens your mood

Chamomile Scent - Chamomile-ginger Aroma Calms and releases stress

Unscented Scent - De-Stresses, Relxes and Brightens up tired eyes in just 10 minutes 


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